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If you’re ready to make change and want to be connected with others on a similar journey.  We organize coordinated groups to allow for another level of support and accountability.  If connecting with other professionals engaging in personal development sounds exciting, this is for you!

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A Supportive Hug
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  • We dig deep into our past experiences to understand how our social identities influence how we make meaning.

  • We create space to vent, scream, and affirm your experiences.  We don’t have to hold in emotions to be seen as professional.  

  • Live in the now while moving towards your goals.  You can enjoy life right now without abandoning the life you want to live. 

  • Detach yourself from normative definitions of success. 

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Join our next 30-day group to get started on your journey.  You’re one step closer to living a life by your own design.

Image by Kristopher Roller
  • How much time will this take?
    We design the program to your needs and available time. Typically it’s at least 1 hour per week.
  • Will I receive guiding materials?
    Yes! We provide you with materials for tracking progress and guiding reflective questions.
  • Do you have a referral program?
    We don’t have one now but we’re working on it. But we so appreciate anyone you send our way!
  • What if I change my mind?
    While we don’t offer refunds after you have started any coaching program, if you need to pause, we’ll work with you to get you back on track.
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